属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-苏伊士运河巨轮搁浅航运中断
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 搜寻火星生命 (2)
1 | 西北地区一次沙尘暴过程的诊断分析及地形影响的模拟试验 | Diagnosing Analyses and Topography Simulation of a Sand-Dust Storm Event in Northwest China | |
2 | 亚洲沙尘暴对空气质量影响与测报 | The Impact of Asian Dust Storm and Its Forecast | |
3 | 一次强沙尘暴长距离输送的数值模拟研究 | A Numerical Simulation about the Long Distance Transportation of a Dust Storm Event | |
4 | 一次强沙尘暴过程中尺度平均动能变率诊断 | Total Kinetic Energy Budget of Mesoscale Condition in a Severe Dust Storm Process | |
5 | 一阵猛烈的沙暴遮天蔽日。 | An intense dust storm overclouded the sun. | |
6 | 中国北方4月沙尘暴与西风环流的关系 | Relationship between Sand-Dust Storm in Northern China in April and Westerly Circulation | |
7 | 中国北方典型沙尘暴的遥感分析 | The Analysis of Typical Dust Storm in Northern China by Remote Sensing | |
8 | 中国北方过去2000年沙尘事件与气候变化 | Dust Storm Events and Their Relation to Climate Changes in Northern China during the Past 2000 Years | |
9 | 中国北方沙尘暴与气候因素关系分析 | Analysis of Connection between Dust Storm and Climate Factors in Northern China | |
10 | 中国北方沙尘灾害影响因子分析 | The Impact Factor Analysis of Dust Storm Disaster in Northern China | |
11 | 中国草原带与东亚沙尘暴 | Steppe Zone of China and Sand-Dust Storm | |
12 | 中国沙尘暴的下降趋势与气候变迁的对比 | The Comparison of the Dust Storm Downward Trend and the Climate Change in China | |
13 | 苏伊士运河管理局表示,这艘长达400米的长赐号货轮周二早上在经历大风和沙尘暴之后搁浅。专家表示,在运河150年历史中从未发生过这样的事情。 | The Suez Canal Authority said the 400-meter-long ship, called Ever Given, got stuck Tuesday morning after facing high winds and a dust storm . Experts said that had never happened before in the canal’s 150-year history. | |
14 | ||1:话虽如此,事情并非一帆风顺。||2:“机遇号”用了数个火星日才摆脱“炼狱沙丘”;再然后,有一个转向马达坏了。||3:在探索维多利亚州的过程中,“机遇号”遭遇了一场火星沙尘暴,致使与地球失联,太阳能电池板上布满了灰尘。||4:不过,令人高兴的是,引起沙尘暴的风,也能将太阳能电池板吹干净。||5:自开始执行任务以来,其机械手臂上的一个关节就很脆弱,最终停止运转。 | ||1:That said, it had not all been plain rolling.||2:Opportunity had spent a few harrowing sols stuck in sand at Purgatory Ripple; later, one of its steering motors failed.||3:While it was exploring Victoria it was caught in a global dust-storm that cut it off from Earth and covered its solar panels with dirt.||4:Happily, though, the same winds that drove the storms also blew the panels clean, or cleaner, after their passing.||5:A joint in the shoulder of its robot arm, dicky since the mission started, finally seized up. | |
15 | ||1:随着计划外使用时间的流逝,“机遇号”继续沿着“奋进”陨石坑边缘前进,一直走到“毅力谷”,“毅力谷”直通火山口底部。||2:2018年6月10日,第5111个火星日,已经工作了7个火星年的“机遇号”正沿着山谷行进,另一场沙尘暴损坏了其太阳能组件,也切断了与地球的联系。||3:数月之后,这场全球性的风暴终于平息,”机遇号”的负责人员(现在成了家人),等待太阳能电池板被风吹干净。||4:而事实并未如期。||5:在向”机遇号”发送了超1000条消息试图取得联系后,于2月12日正式宣布”机遇号”失联。 | ||1:As the unexpected years went by, Opportunity continued along the hilly rim of Endeavour until it came to Perseverance Valley, which cuts through towards the crater floor.||2:It was heading down the valley when, on June 10th 2018—Sol 5,111, well over seven Martian years of service—another dust storm cut it off from Sun and Earth.||3:When, after months, the global storm subsided, the rover’s minders, now family, waited for its solar panels to be blown clean.||4:It appears they were not.||5:After over 1,000 messages attempting to restore contact, Opportunity was declared lost on February 12th. | |
16 | 此外,当ExoMars微量气体探测轨道飞行器飞过盖尔山时,一场尘暴遮盖住了NOMAD 30千米范围内的视角。 | Moreover, when ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter flew over Gale, a dust storm obscured NOMAD’s view of anything within 30km of the surface. | |
17 | 但在去年遭遇一场巨大的沙尘暴后,探测器失去了通讯联系,此后再无音信。 | But last year, the rover dropped out of communications when it got stuck in an enormous dust storm , and it hasn’t been heard from since. | |
18 | 2004年春季北京一次沙尘暴的理化特性分析 | Analysis on Chemical and Physical Properties of Beijing Super Dust Storm in Spring of 2004 | |
19 | 2004年春季一次较强沙尘暴的实时预报与特征分析 | The Real Time Numerical Prediction and Characteristics of A Severe Dust Storm Covers China in the Spring of 2004 | |
20 | 坝缘典型区域京津风沙源综合治理研究 | The Comprehensive Administration Research for Beijing-Tianjin Source of Dust Storm in Typical Region of Dam Edge | |
21 | 颁证仪式刚结束不久,一阵尘暴刮过了村子。大风把插在路边的那些精心准备的广告牌子刮跑很多。 | Soon after that, a dust storm tore through the village, removing many of the specially located posters. | |
22 | 北京大气环境的区域特征与沙尘影响 | The Regional Characteristics of the Atmospheric Environment and the Impact of Dust-storm in Beijing | |
23 | 北京地区风沙的现状、成因及防治对策 | Present situation, origin and control measures of dust storm in Beijing | |
24 | 北京地区一次强沙尘天气过程的中尺度通量特征 | Characteristics of the Mesoscale Fluxes During a Strong Dust Storm Weather Process in Beijing | |
25 | 北京市春季沙尘暴天气大气气溶胶污染特征研究 | Study on pollution characteristics of aerosols during sand-dust storm weather in Beijing | |
26 | 北京市环境监测中心在回答电话询问时,否认首都受到沙尘暴吹袭。 | Contacted by phone, the municipal environment monitoring centre denied a dust storm had hit the capital. | |
27 | 北京市沙尘暴天气大气气溶胶酸度和酸化缓冲能力 | Acidity and Acid Buffering Capacity of Aerosols during Sand-dust Storm Weather in Beijing | |
28 | 北京市沙尘天气中矿物单颗粒的物理化学特征 | Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Individual Mineral Particles Collected during Dust Storm Periods in Beijing | |
29 | 柴达木盆地北部风速对尘暴事件降尘的影响 | Impact of Wind Velocity on Dustfall during Dust Storm Events in Northern Qaidam Basin, China | |
30 | 柴达木盆地苏干湖表层沉积与尘暴事件——元素示踪的初步结果 | Surface sediments of Lake Sugan and dust storm in the Northern Qaidam Basin, China: preliminary results of elemental tracers |